The pros and cons of using big data and IoT – Consumers & Marketers 

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, it’s critical to analyse how businesses and networks are use our data, both positively and negatively outcomes. With the proliferation of connected devices and machines, data generation is growing exponentially, from smartphones and home appliances to automobiles, these digital products are constantly evolving, and the data generate can be leveraged to create value and add market value. It was forecasted that there will be 29 billion connected devices in the world, which around 18 billion will be related to IoT.

Although the Internet of things and big data enables large data collection and contributes to productivity in our daily routine and harnessed to deliver personalised and relevant marketing experiences to consumers, but it also raisesimportant concern on privacy and security

Benefits for Consumers

Big data and IoT in marketing have the potential to provide major benefits to customers. Marketers can obtain a better knowledge of consumer behaviour and preferences by data-driven marketing on collecting and analysing data from multiple sources to improve customer experience. 

Benefits for Marketers

Marketers are constantly on the lookout for new data to help them better understand customer behaviour and construct better models to boost their chances of success as well as attract and retain customers. By having big data that include product reviews, social media performance, sales data, customer feedbacks etc are able to help marketers measure performance, create successful advertisements or develop new products and services that better meet those need and to attract targeted customers. 

                                          How businesses use big data (Apogaeis 2017

Problems for Consumers

Big data and IoT offer marketing benefits, but privacy concerns must also be considered. With vast amount of data being collecting about consumers, many worry about the risk of being hacked or tracked , and may only share personal information with trusted providers like  health care and finance. In response these concerns, consumers have the option to restrict the types of data they share with businesses by utilising privacy tools such as web browsers with built-in cookie blockers, ad-blocking software etc

Mckinsey 2020 

Problems for Marketers

One of the hurdles is maintaining and interpreting vast volumes of customer data since customers frequently move and utilise different channels, thus marketers must properly assess the data they acquire. Another problem is the potential of data breach , which threatens security of consumer data and affect customer trust and likely to affect the overall market severely so it is essential to make sure marketers collaborate closely with IT and security department and make sure customers are secure and protected at all times.

Tell me about your thoughts on IoT devices and big data? Do you have any concerns about privacy and security when utlising IoT devices? 

3 responses to “The pros and cons of using big data and IoT – Consumers & Marketers ”

  1. Hi Sophia!
    Your blog post will be very helpful to many readers and I am one of them. Pros and cons of using Big Data and IoT for consumers and marketers is a relevant and timely topic in today’s digital age and your post did a great job of discussing the potential benefits and limitations of these technologies (1). Furthermore, readers who may not be familiar with the concepts contained in the article can easily grasp the information through the easy-to-understand language accompanied by specific examples and statistics to aid in your arguments. But one problem you are having is that it lacks a bit of appeal in the introduction and conclusion, these are the important parts that can attract readers, encourage further reading, interact, and build readers’ trust (2). That is why you can start with a catchy or attention-grabbing statement to draw the reader in; make them want to read more in your introduction and summarize your main points and make some final suggestions in the conclusion of the blog. However, one positive thing to talk about is the well-organized and easy-to-follow content of your blog post. You start by defining big data and IoT, then moves on to discussing how they can benefit consumers and marketers. Next, address the potential downsides of these technologies and conclude with a thoughtful analysis of how to use them responsibly.
    Overall, I think you’ve done your post well. Keep up the great work!

    Further readings:


  2. hi sophia,
    once again you have showed that you are able to produce a professional blog as the overall presentation of the blog was very good. You’ve done a great job in explaining the benefits and challenges of using big data and IoT in marketing for both consumers and marketers.
    To improve your blog, you could consider providing specific examples or statistics to support your points. For instance, you could mention a case study where big data and IoT were effectively used to improve customer experience or provide data breach statistics to emphasise the importance of data security.
    But overall, your blog was well written and it was good that you uses graphs to back up your information. Cant wait to see your next blog.


  3. Hey Sophia,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog this week. Your analysis of the benefits of using IoT devices and big data for consumers and marketers is well-explained. You highlight the potential advantages, such as improved customer experiences, better understanding of consumer behaviour, and the ability to create personalized marketing experiences.
    Some areas of improvement could be to provide more specific examples or case studies to support your points about the benefits of big data and IoT for consumers and marketers. This could help readers better understand the practical applications and impact of these technologies.
    Overall, your blog was very well structured and written and you used great pictures and graphs to help back up your point. The overall presentation looked very professional.


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Welcome! I am glad you are here at my blog. My name is Sophia lee hui wen and I’m a student at RMIT university studying Bachelor of Business with a Marketing major. One of my classes this semester requires me to write a number of blog posts about various facets of DIGITAL MARKETING. The purpose of this blog is to offer an interesting and educational platform through posts regarding various digital marketing subjects and concepts. I am extremely eager to interact with you through these writings and offer my knowledge and insights while also learning from you. Please feel free to read my weekly blogs and leave comments with your thoughts.


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